Calling the Seed Planters

Calling the Seed Planters!

It all begins with a seed. A seed of an idea. Actual seeds. Seeds of change. Seeds of hope. And seeds take many forms. 

Massive fires in California and Australia, heat waves in places that have never seen it. We are losing our trees, our Western Monarchs in North America, pollinators, water supplies, our topsoil, and food and water security. When I think of the immensity of all we stand against, my heart does tremble. Yet there is a place deep down in my chest where, when I breathe, an awesome, powerful sense of determination, courage and resilience rises. I don’t know where it comes from entirely, but I want to share with you a vision that comes from that deep, hopeful, inspired place. 

Calling the seed planters! We need you more than ever. Old or young, you can help. Everywhere there is a fire. Every place that is desertifying, we need seed planters. 

You can do so much with a well-placed seed. Anchor the soil. Clean the air. Bring water back by slowing it down when it rains and giving it a chance to soak into the ground. 

We need seeds that are adapted to the place you are in. Seeds that support our birds, bugs, and plants. Host plants for insects to fuel the rest of the ecosystem that depends on them. If you want to make the greatest impact, know your region. Learn the subtle language of your plants. Notice trees that produce abundantly, resist disease, taste amazing, and support the ecosystem around them. We need to replant the Garden. Too long we go through busy days putting self care, care of others, and care of our collective home aside. It doesn’t take much time to plant a seed. Anyone can do it. 

And let me tell you the absolute miracle of a plant.

We think plants grow well in good soil. And they do. 

BUT what if I told you plants GROW good soil! They are active participants in a complex web of life underground AND they are the drivers. They feed and build the soil! 

This is how it works: Plants deliver sugars (liquid carbon) out through their roots to FEED the soil!! They photosynthesize these sugars in their leaves and literally leak them out through their roots to feed billions of microbes. These microbes give the plant complex compounds to increase plant health, productivity and resilience in return for those precious sugars that only plants can manufacture. The microbes and beneficial fungi create carbon-rich glues, slimes, and oozes that hold the soil together. Building structure. Fueling that precious underground workforce. It helps the soil act like a sponge to both hold extra water when it rains and better resist drought when it doesn’t. Plants grow soil. They build resilience. 

What if we allied ourselves with the quiet power of plants and their unbelievable inclination for abundance. To grow good food. Grow good soil. Grow cleaner air. Grow a more resilient world. 

All it takes is a bag of seeds. A few minutes to plant seeds everywhere you go. Some won’t make it, it’s true. But choose your seeds well. Pick plants that honor the earth you are planting into instead of choking their neighbors. And listen for what they have to teach you. 

Calling the seed planters. Old or young. Whoever you are, you are needed more than ever.

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